VBS 2018 Teen Sign Ups

18 Jun 8:00am – 22 Jun 12:30pm 2018 CDT

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Make sure you get a confirmation email after submitting this form - otherwise it didn't submit and you're not on our volunteer list!

West Houston's 2018 VBS is June 18-22! We need all our teens to help make this event awesome for children from our church and community! Our teens serve as group leaders and get to know the same group of kids all week as they lead them around to different lessons and activities. Each weekday we need our teens here from 8:30 am to about 12:30 pm. If you want to go with us to lunch after each day you are welcome to join us!

This year's mandatory teen training is on Wednesday, June 13 during the normal Vertex 6-8 pm activities. All teens must be at training in order to serve at VBS - if you don't go to training you will either not be allowed to serve or you might have a limited role behind the scenes that does not involve kids. If you know you can't be at training you must contact the Children's Ministers ahead of time for an alternate training.

VBS Tshirts sales have ended

Bookings for this event have now closed.